Friday, December 12, 2008

This Is The End My Friend

Well, it's about god damn time I put some closure on this blog. After a grueling finish to our road trip Angie and I arrived back in Maine late night on Thursday, November 13, 2008. I am currently collecting unemployment, living with my Mom, in Milo, Maine. I think that about sums up my life right now. The unanswered question is, "Did she slay any sasquatch?" This can be answered by the famous mountainier Lou Whitaker, "They don't exist." I was crushed by his answer to my inquiring question but I believe in Santa Claus so I guess I'll always look over my shoulder for the illusive Big Foot. My Adventure out West is finished but life is full of journeys. Blessed Be!!


Anonymous said...

Amen, preach it sistah!

- D Dawg

Ashford Apes said...

Dear Bigfoot Hunter...

If the World Famous Lou Whitaker says that Bigfoot don't exist, well I guess that maybe's he's spent too many trips up in low oxygen levels up in the Himalayas... because he is definately wrong about the Ashford Apes...which reside in his county and I should know... I used to spend my summers within a mile or two of his home in Ashford... and I've personally had a local encounter with one that was within 20 feet of my car, between the towns of Ashford and Elbe, Washington.

You ever want to talk about the Pierce County primates... just let me know... I've had four "encounters" during my 50 year residency in Washington State... the creatures do exist... I tell people that I don't believe that Bigfoot exists... I KNOW it does... kind of hard to argue with something over 10 feet tall (I measured the tree branch it pushed out of its face with a 12 foot sturgeon fishing rod later).

Anyway... welcome to our great state... Home of the Washington Wookies...
